Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Melissa Swanepoel
(512) 466 4624
Lose yourself...

Drama / Action

ANYWHERE, TX is the story coming-of-age story of fifteen-year-old David, a
runaway without a destination. Through chance encounters with the beautiful
dancer Isabella and the unstable and violent Jones, David finds the direction and
conviction his young life is lacking.

Award-winning director Reynaldo A. Garza paints a vivid portrait of human
emotion and gritty action, set against the stunning landscape of a summer Texas.

Language: English

Country: USA

Length: 140min

Angel I. Garza (DAVID)
Angel has been acting since he could walk, gifted (or maybe cursed?) with a
video-camera-happy family. He plays guitar, watches classic films, and currently
attends college. This is his debut feature film.
Ashley Donigan (ISABELLA)
Ashley’s acting experience is varied and lengthy. She appears in everything from
short films to features. She currently lives in Los Angeles.
Daniel Dasent (JONES)
Daniel is a distinctive and wonderful student of character, and also appears in an
earlier short film by Reynaldo A. Garza.


Reynaldo A. Garza (Writer/Director)
Reynaldo Garza’s experience as a writer/director and producer include a number
of short films. His work as a video-journalist and documentary director have
influenced his story-telling style, as well as how he makes creative choices while
casting, filming, and editing.
He received his BA from the RTF Department of the University of Texas at
Austin. He currently lives, works, and creates in Austin, TX.
New scripts are already are already taking form and awaiting the next steps of
Melissa Swanepoel (Producer)
Melissa began as a Production Assistant and worked her way up and into the film
industry. She has been working with Reynaldo for several years now. Her wide
range of set experiences, both behind and in front of the camera, allow her to
wear many hats while working on a project – and she likes it that way.
Also an alumni of the University of TX at Austin, Melissa lives and works
alongside Reynaldo in Austin TX.
A published author of short stories, Melissa continues to write shorts, novels, and
Alberto Chapa (Music/Score)
As a musician, Alberto practices his craft under the label of Pinches Cuerpos.
He is also currently producing a few other artists’ tracks. His studio is located in
Austin, TX.
This is his first film score.

Angel I. Garza (DAVID)
On filming the cliff jump: “The cliff jumping scene was the most exciting scene
to film. The scene consisted of a 40-foot jump into the lake. It was a sunny day
and a cool splash seemed like a nice and refreshing thing to do, but as I took
a peek off the ledge, I saw the drop, and felt my heart start thumping in my
chest, harder and harder and harder. The director was in place and so were we
(Ashley and myself). Melissa stood by us with a phone to her ear, on the line with
Reynaldo, awaiting the ‘ACTION!’ Over the loud thumping in my chest, I heard
a muttered ‘Ok, the camera is rolling. Whenever you’re ready, guys.’ I figured, ‘If
I think about it too much, I’m never going to do it.’ I grabbed Ashley’s hand and
we made a run for it. The next thing I remember is smashing into what felt like a
brick wall, but in reality was just the water. What my character in the movie felt
was a reflection of my actual feelings at the moment: a sense of wild freedom,
fun, excitement, and all that good stuff.”
On working with Reynaldo: Being directed by Reynaldo was not a new thing for
me. We had been making short films together for a long time. Growing up around
the same environment and being influenced by the same movies gives us this
natural ease to understand each other. One example I can think of was that
sometimes, in certain scenes, Reynaldo would say, ‘Don’t Woody Allen it,’ and
that would be all I needed to know what he was thinking, what he wanted for that
scene. He is a natural at communicating his direction and personalizing it, not
just for me, but for the rest of the crew as well, helping them understand exactly
what it is that he wants out of them on that day. It’s always a pleasure to work
with someone who has such a clear vision to share.


Writer/Director Statement (Reynaldo A. Garza)

After receiving my degree from the film school at the University of Texas, I knew
exactly what I wanted to do. I planned to bring together all the right people, cast
and crew, and shoot my first feature film. I had known my producer Melissa
Swanepoel from our time together at the University, and we had worked together
on several of my short films. There was no doubt we made a great team, so
when it came to gathering a crew, she was first on my list. I ran my ideas by her
and she was on board. Pre-production had begun.

From the beginning we sought to create something different from what we
were seeing in the independent film market. We wanted to create a low budget
film that didn't feel constrained by our financial limitations. We would have car
chases, live stunts, an exciting story and all the ingredients of a great hollywood
movie – on an independent budget. We also wanted our movie to feel as real as
possible, so we made a point to not rely on cheap digital effects for things that
could be done practically on screen.

Our cast couldn’t have been better. It was an absolute joy working with such
professionals like Daniel Dasent and Ashley Donigan, who put their work on
screen before anything else. Angel I. Garza's commitment to the lead role had
him doing everything from cliff-jumping to being dragged by a moving truck
across rough terrain. There was a real current of dedication, from cast to crew,
on this film, and it made the story come alive.

I am so grateful to everyone who had a hand in turning our ideas into reality, and
so proud of what we created together.

Producer Statement (Melissa Swanepoel)
Reynaldo and I had been working together for a few years on smaller
projects, so when to opportunity arose to create a feature together, I
couldn’t have been more excited.

I was involved from the beginning – first draft overhauls to filming-script
tweaks. Story is important to us both, so it was easy to collaborate and to
let go of ideas and let them take shape.

We started casting early, wanting actors to have the time to transform
characters into real people. The script attracted wonderful and gifted
actors – Austin, TX is overrun with great talent, so getting great candidates
in to read for us was never an issue. Making the final choice, though –
on David, Isabella, Jones, Chuck... we were truly fortunate to find such
exquisite chemistry right on our doorstep.

Production was long and took place in many different locations, though
every frame takes place on Texas soil. It really is a testament to what can
be accomplished when people are passionate about and deeply committed
to the work at hand.
I, for one, could not be more proud of what we accomplished or happier to
have been a part of it, and I know this is but the gateway to greater things
for all involved.
We wanted to tell a story about life, losing and finding yourself, about the
journey over the destination, and I want to thank everyone who has taken
part in this collaborative and creative journey.
It’s far from over, believe me!

coming soon!

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